
Monday, March 25, 2013

Lifestyle: The Banksy In Me

I went on a little adventure by myself yesterday. I walked across this bridge I always see and never knew where it lead to. Along the way I kind of fell in love with my little city. I can't explain it.

I got a new glasses set for my kitchen from a friend and did a makeup tutorial that I never got around to posting. I got a keek account too! Follow me @rosependleton :)

I'm so excited for tomorrow. I'm going on a road trip with my mom and nephews just for the day. I plan to bring my cameras! ;)

Twitter: @Rose_Pendleton
Instagram: @Rose_Pendleton
Keek: @RosePendleton

Daily Outfit: A Pearl of Ties

Today me and my mom went on a roadtrip with my nephews out on Route 66 through Victorville and Barstow and we had lunch at Barstow Train Station which is actually a famous McDonalds/Bus Stop. I took my camera and plan to get them developed asap! I also ended up snagging a super cute Pearl Tie at a vintage shop in a small town off Route 66 called Ole Grande for only $2.70! Great deal.

Crop Top - Friend's
Tie Dye Halter - Venice Beach
Shoes - Forever 21
Jeans - Pacsun
Jewelry - Vintage

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Daily Outfit: Purple Polka Dots


Welcome to Wild Violet ( my new style blog originally Rosie Says Hello ( Today, I wanted to look a bit more professional because today was a business day. I went over to my grandmother’s to work on my line and sewing. While I was at her house I learned that she has Photoshop which solves all my problems in the entire world. That and she gave me a late X-Mas present ;)

Tomorrow my mother and I are going on a roadtrip with my nephews! Woohoo! 

Shirt: Forever 21
Skirt: Wet Seal 
Shoes: Sister’s 
Jewelry/Accessories: Earrings; gift from my mom, Bracelets; eBay Flowers; Craft Store